
KRC has 3 squash courts, including one glassback with grandstand. If you'd like to try out squash, come along to an open club night to introduce yourself and have a hit. Club nights are generally well attended during peak squash season (winter), but may have fewer members over summer.  If you are looking to join the club, it pays to contact us first to make sure that someone will be there to give you an introduction.

Club Night:

KRC members free, casuals $10. Come on down for a hit - this is a great opportunity to meet new people and play some squash. 

  • Thursdays      4:30pm - 5.45pm (Juniors)

  • Thursdays      6pm - 8:30pm (Open)

Social Business House:

Several times a year we have a Business House competition on Thursday nights in place of club night. Business House is a 5-week social competition open to members and non-members at all skill levels, with a guaranteed game each week against someone of a similar ability. 6 teams of 4 players compete in a round-robin competition, and the team that finishes on the most points receives a gift voucher for a meal at one of our sponsors - see below for pictures!


Kumeu Squash normally has multiple teams entered in the Autumn, Winter and Spring Interclub competitions, which are run by Squash Auckland. Teams are chosen based on a player's level on the New Zealand Squash Grading List, and can be open (all ages) or masters (40+). Interclub is the best way to ensure you are playing consistent squash against a variety of opponents all around Auckland. Get in touch with Ian if you are interested in finding out more.


Kumeu Squash Tournaments are renowned for their friendly atmosphere, good spirits and incredible food (usually a lamb spit roast cooked at the club, see below)! All draws will be up in iSquash, emailed to participants, and posted on our Facebook page.

2025 Tournaments

  • 2025 Auckland Masters Tournament @ Kumeu March 20-22nd
  • Kumeu Don Wilkinson Memorial Open November 12-15th  

In Memory of former Kumeu Squash Club member Sgt Don Wilkinson, NZ Police.


Contact:     Ian Pitham (Club Captain)
Mob:           021 638 422
Email:         administrator@kumeuracquetsclub.org 
FacebookKumeu Racquets Club

Become a KRC member today